Barking Dog’s entire wine inventory is offered direct to consumer through our Give Back Program which contributes 10% of all direct to consumer bottle sales to a shared fund supporting the reputable 501(c)(3) charities listed below. Depending on sales volume, cash contributions will be sent to the designated charities at least once a year. We will report the cumulative contributions to each charity in our annual newsletter.
Customers ordering two cases or more have the option of directing the 10% contribution to any legitimate 501(c)(3) charity of their choosing. For such larger purchases, Barking Dog will make the donation shortly after completion of the sale and will optionally recognize the ordering customer when submitting the funds.
Simply email your order number and the charity’s EIN to info@barkingdog.wine, and indicate whether your name should be disclosed to the recipient. The directed contribution check will be sent once the charity has been verified.
Newberg Animal Shelter’s EIN is 90–0208522
Thank you Barking Dog for your generosity and love of dogs!