Dog licensing for Yamhill County
More information on licensing your dog in Yamhill County can be found on Yamhill County Dog Control’s website.
Licensing of all dogs in Oregon is required under ORS 609.100 in order to ensure a current rabies vaccination. This state law requires that “every person keeping a dog that has a set of permanent canine teeth or is six months old, whichever comes first, shall procure a license for the dog.”
Roto-Rooter Pet Rescue
This is not a service provided by Newberg Animal Shelter. If you have a pet stuck in a drain, Roto-Rooter can help you out! Check out their website for details:

Icky Kitty Project
Pet Safety | Information about toxic plants, flowers and more!

Local Girl Scout Charlotte Bauer, a high school graduate in Portland, Oregon has been awarded the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting, for creating the Icky Kitty Project. The Icky Kitty Project serves as a web-based educational resource to inform pet owners what plants and flowers are toxic when ingested by their cat or dog. Charlotte connected with the Newberg Animal Shelter to have them hand out her pamphlet to new pet owners about how they can pet-proof their plants at home for their new puppy or kitten. She continues to work to expand the project by reaching new audiences through social media, a monthly newsletter, and a blog.
For more information on Icky Kitty Project check out on Facebook or on Instagram