Check out our Amazon Wishlist for a fast and easy way to donate. Your donation will be shipped directly to us.
We are always accepting donations of these items..
Pet Foods:
Premium Dog Food (adult and small bites)
Premium Canned Dog Food
Kitten food (dry and canned)
Cat food (dry and canned)
Dog Treats
Laundry Detergent (any HE high efficiency)
Tide Free & Gentle (HE high efficiency)
Garbage bags (kitchen size)
Paper towels
Cleaners: Simple Green, window spray,
dish soap, hand sanitizer, 409 Spray
Sponges and Scrub brushes
Flea medications
Small fleece or soft blankets
Always use AmazonSmile if you are donating through Amazon.
Shop through in support of Newberg Animal Shelter Friends. Use this AmazonSmile link as you shop and Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of AmazonSmile purchases to Newberg Animal Shelter. It’s that easy to support us!