
Chip has found her forever home!

Hi, my name is Chip!

Hi, I’m Chip and I found my way here because I was wandering around without any ID so my history is a mystery. BUT my foster mom can tell you all about me – probably more than you have time to read!
Chip is amazing. She is super sweet and affectionate, she wants tummy rubs and cuddles all the time, and her favorite thing is laying on/against you on the couch while you pet her and she dozes. She will paw at you gently to let you know she’s not done with pets if you stop too soon. She is fantastic with my dog Ginny who is pretty dog selective. She matches Ginny’s energy perfectly. They just sniff things together and hang out near each other and don’t do any roughhousing or anything! Chip was very anxious Monday night and didn’t want to be alone in her popup kennel, but my bed is too high for her, so she slept with Ginny in her big kennel that night and they did great together, it helped her calm down and they didn’t have any issues sharing such a small space. She slept in her own kennel all night last night, so she’s pretty quick to adjust!
She is pretty good walking on leash, she wants to be right by you and doesn’t try to pull except if you’re trying to keep going and she’s not done smelling things yet, easy to walk loose-leash although she does get tangled because she keeps switching sides. She gets super excited when you get the leash ready. She tries to eat any grass she comes across but is pretty good about responding to redirection.
The one and only issue I’ve noticed in the last couple of days is she is not yet housetrained – she won’t go potty when we walk even though she is very interested when Ginny goes. She will go potty outside on my patio but has also peed inside both mornings while I was in the shower even though she had already gone outside on the patio (suspect maybe she was an outdoor dog with a mostly cement area, maybe?). Not sure if some of that is anxiety about being unsure where the human is (she definitely always wants to know where the human is) or if it’s just because she really needs to go again.

If you are interested in meeting me, the shelter is open Tuesday through Saturday 11am – 5pm (winter hours).
If you’d like to schedule an appointment, check out the pets profile on our website at to fill out an application and email to