Claude @ Hillsboro PetSmart
Claude @ Hillsboro PetSmart has found his forever home!
Claude, a 10-month old cat, who has already had a rough life according to the sending rescue, so he is definitely ready to live a good life here in Oregon.
Oklahoma – 9 Lives Rescue:
“Claude came to us as an emergency rescue- he had been shot in the face and side with a BB gun by a horrible 10 year old boy. By some miracle the BB passed through his nose, mouth, tongue, missed his windpipe and lodged next to his esophagus. The vets do not think it needs to be removed and the scar tissue will hold it in place. He has recovered and miraculously still LOVES people. He is one of the most social and happy cats we have ever seen, and his tail does this crazy loop so that sits over his back like a Malamute.”
I am available for adoption at Hillsboro PetSmart, 889 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124. (503) 615-5900. Please call the store before visiting to make sure I am still available. Please bring cash or check for the adoption fee and a carrier for the adoption. PetSmart is not able to process card payments for Newberg Animal Shelter adoptions.