
Eva has found her forever home!

Hello there, I’m Eva!

My days are filled with gentle purrs and mellow moments. I’ve been told I have a friendly demeanor that’s hard to resist. I enjoy the simple things in life, like a good chin scratch or a cozy lap to curl up in. I’m not one for rowdy games or frantic chases, instead I prefer a quiet spot where I can relax and watch the world go by. My calm, gentle nature makes me the perfect companion for those seeking a peaceful presence in their lives. Adopting me means bringing home a friend who will offer unconditional love and serene companionship.

If you are interested in meeting me, the shelter is open Tuesday through Saturday 11am – 6pm,(summer hours).
If you’d like to schedule an appointment, check out the pets’ profile on our website at newberganimals.com to fill out an application and email to frontdesk@newberganimals.com.