Honey has found her forever home!
Honey transferred to Oregon from a California shelter to find a good place to safely have her babies. The shelter in California listed Honey as a Schnauzer mix, but we believe she may actually be a Wirehaired Pointer. Honey recently raised 9 puppies in foster care and is now ready to start her own life as a puppy. She loves long walks and being able to run off a leash in a safe area. Honey is house broken and will need chew toys to keep her occupied. She does well with being crated for short periods during the day, and at night, if necessary. Honey is looking forward to finding her forever home/family with whom she can bond with and protect. She is territorial in nature and would make a great guard dog. She has lived with children and cats in foster care and does well with both. Honey responds well to commands and is an extremely smart dog. She would like someone who could spend some time training her how to interact with people and dogs who are not part of her daily life. Honey is 1 year old and weighs in at about 70 pounds. She would need to meet any other dogs in the home prior to adoption.
Honey’s adoption fee is $375. She is spayed, microchipped, current on vaccinations and treated for parasites.