
Midnight has found her forever home!

Hi my name is Midnight!

My days are filled with endless curiosity and boundless energy. I love to explore every nook and cranny, chasing after imaginary mice and pouncing on unsuspecting shadows. When I’m not on an adventure, I’m the sweetest cuddle buddy you could ever wish for. I’ll curl up in your lap and purr myself to sleep. I’m also quite the goofball. I can turn any mundane object into a toy and make you laugh with my playful antics. I’m friendly to everyone I meet, always ready to make new friends. Adopting me means endless love, laughter, and companionship. I promise to fill your life with joy and warmth. I can’t wait to meet you and start our wonderful journey together!

If you are interested in meeting me, the shelter is open Tuesday through Saturday 11am – 5pm (Winter hours).
If you’d like to schedule an appointment, check out the pets profile on our website at newberganimals.com to fill out an application and email to frontdesk@newberganimals.com.