Rosie @ Hillsboro PetSmart

Rosie @ Hillsboro PetSmart has found her forever home!

I am available for adoption at Hillsboro PetSmart, 889 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124. (503) 615-5900. Please bring cash and a carrier if you have one. PetSmart cannot run credit cards for Newberg Animal Shelter adoptions.
Miss Rosie is our second ‘runt’ in the litter, she may be small but she’s very mighty. She is a tabby kitten with a fascinating fur pattern, deep green eyes that she uses to get treats, and beautiful facial features. She is very much so a lap cat and wants to be right next to you when she’s not playing or eating. She will greet you very lovingly by getting in between your legs and rubbing up on you to show she’s happy to see you and get cuddles! She enjoys laser toys, wand toys, balls, and mouse toys. She’s very well mannered and will wait patiently for food. She’s confident when doing anything which is why she can adapt quickly to new surroundings. She has met other cats other than the ones in her litter and she’s been brave, friendly, and curious around them. She has been around dogs and doesn’t mind getting slobbered on or licked by them. She’s an affectionate kitten and will fill your life and home with loads of joy!