Winkie @ Hillsboro Petsmart
Winkie @ Hillsboro Petsmart has found his forever home!
Winky is a nice-looking orange tabby kitten with dark coloring, and a beautiful coat pattern that makes him truly unique. He is an intelligent, affectionate, and a purr machine of a kitty! He purrs when he sleeps, eats, plays, cuddles, when he is being pet, and whenever he’s near his person. If you’re looking for a cuddle machine and a comforting noise machine, he is your guy. He figures out games quickly and picks up on a routine very fast. You need lots of mind stimulating toys for this little Einstein! He does enjoy playing by himself and doing his own thing, but he always likes to have a cuddle buddy once he’s done! He’s a big fan of beds or scratchers with a hole and cover so he can go in and sleep whether the sun is up or not. He does like to play with teaser toys but he’s very gentle with them, and he does go crazy whenever you bring out any mouse or ball toys. Winky is a very gentle and loving cat who does actually wink at you! You won’t regret adopting him, he will keep you entertained and amazed by his mind for life!
I am available for adoption at Hillsboro PetSmart, 889 NE 25th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124. (503) 615-5900. Please bring cash and a carrier if you have one. PetSmart cannot run credit cards for Newberg Animal Shelter adoptions.