2021-2022 SpokesPet’s are Olivia and Royce!

Thanks to Harper and McLovin’ for being our SpokesPets for Wine & Whiskers 2021 and being awesome representatives for the shelter! Learn more about them here.
The Spokespet for a year is auctioned off at our annual Wine & Whiskers event. The lucky winners gets their pet on promotional materials for the next years Wine & Whiskers event. They are shared here on the website as the official SpokeDog and SpokesCat. They receive a professional photo shoot, get a bunch of swag and pampering packages to be treated like the star they are.
Join us at Wine & Whiskers 2022 for an opportunity for your pet to become a future SpokesPet!
Meet Royce!
Royce was found at a recycling facility in Portland where Brittany Hazel works. The facility processes curbside recycling and after going through the whole system Royce was seen and hand picked off the line at the last stage.
The facility knew that Brittany fostered for Newberg Animal Shelter so they contacted her. Royce was only 3 days old and was bruised on her belly, toes and her eyes were open. Turns out she was born without eyelids!

Brittany and her wife Kendall, fostered Royce through Newberg Animal Shelter and they had a long battle. Royce required bottle feeding for 8 weeks and she was not two pounds until 16 weeks. They knew at this point they couldn’t let her go up for adoption and she was going to be a part of their family.

Due to being born with out eyelids Royce’s eyelashes sit on her eyes causing her irritation and trouble seeing. At 9 months old she underwent surgery to help correct the issue. She may have to have more surgeries in the future.

Royce is now 2 years old and quite the princess. Her favorite pastime is sleeping next to Brittany and Kendall on the couch or playing with her crinkle balls. Despite her rough start and partial vision issues Royce is happy and living life with her wonderful family!

Meet Olivia!

Olivia’s previous human did not understand the importance of dental health. When she came to Newberg Animal Shelter she had no teeth and part of her lower jaw was removed because of infection.

Olivia was adopted into a big family of five other dachshund’s Booda, Ruger, Annie, Frankie, Lucie with their amazing humans, Liz & Frank Wallace. They have a six pack of wiener dogs’! 🙂

Olivia enjoys travelling, especially in the motorhome. Six months after being adopted, they left for an extended trip through the upper Midwest. She liked to watch the world go by and explore the next campground.
When home, Olivia enjoys checking out the backyard, sunbathing and napping. Not necessarily in that order. She also has some mobility issues from a previous injury but it does not stop her at all. She will steal chews from the rest of the pack and boss them around.

Olivia’s second favorite pastime is laying in the cedar shavings in the sun. The first is napping on the couch with Dad and the rest of the pack.

Olivia is special and won the hearts of staff and volunteers at the shelter. The Wallace’s bring her to visit, with the rest of the pack, periodically and it always puts so many smiles on the faces of staff and volunteers to see all of them.